Chess History

Computers that are Ideal for Chess

Chess is a great game that people use to clear their minds. Depending on your level of passion, sometimes it can be hard to wait for a chance to enjoy it on a chessboard. Luckily […]

dennis   Chess History

Chess in Europe

An earlier form of chess, shantranj, made its way to Europe through the expanding Islamic Arabian Empire. Shantranj also spread to the Byzantine Empir

dennis   Chess History

Chess in East Asia

The closest games that resemble chaturanga from Thailand and Cambodia are makruk and ouk-chatrang, respectively. Although those version of the game mi

dennis   Chess History

Origins of Chess

The strategy board game chess can be traced as far back as 1500 years, although it has been impossible to ascertain the exact origins of the game. The

dennis   Chess History

The Growth in Popularity of Online Chess

Chess is undoubtedly one of the oldest games known to man. The board game’s earliest known origins go way back to the seventh century when it was first played in India. Back then, it was […]

dennis   Chess History

Chess in India

The earliest form of chess was called chaturanga, a game that flourished in the 6th century, in India. Chaturanga is the earliest known game to have t

dennis   Chess History

Chess in Persia

The earliest reference to chess in Persia can be traced back to at least the 10th century, AD, played between a historian from Baghdad and one of his

dennis   Chess History